Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blue Socks

More wool socks : Instructions .Machine Knitting

 Ribber band  tension  6 

 start with 78 stitches  knit 3o  rows put all needles on maine bed.

knit  50 more rows for leg length  tension 8  on sides leave one needle not knit position before the last stitch for you to be able to chain the open seam with the tool. after the 5o rows . start to make the heel ,partially knitting.on right  side of sock when you do the next sock do on lefty side . after that knit 55 more rows for making the length of foot , again do partially knit until  you have the point , end with wasting yarn ,take off the machine,  crafting  the stitches. 

take a hour to  make a pair of socks   

properly  wool yarn  for socks.

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Ines design Mariana alcofurado. Beja PT