Sunday, November 10, 2013

White Eggs Pudding in Portuguese they call Molotov pudding

     THE recipe is very simple but the secret is on way you know how to make it .
first    put on the oven at 350.% degree  put in a tray with water and few spoons of vinegar on water tray .  on form for the pudding burn the sugar let cool .  1 cup the sugar and 1/2 of water.
beat 10 eggs white on mix bowl beater .  Beat the whites until very firm and fluff ,  then with a spatula  add 7 table spoons of granulate sugar one spoon at time do this very slow then add more 2 tablespoons of  corn syrup   on same mater .  now put  eggs whites on form .
 go to oven on tray with water like a water bath . bake for 8 a 10 minutes . then turn off the oven but  do not open the oven untill  the oven is warm cool .
when the pudding is on oven ,you do the sauce to add over on the pudding  the 10 eggs yolks  beat then a bit .  put a cup of water on stove with  8 table spoons of granulate sugar  boil for 10 minutes
let cool  . after cool add the sugar water to the yolks wipe them slow and cook the mixture on slow  burner  soon start boil take it out  continue to wipe until cool a  bit  . takeout  the pudding to a plate
after spoon over the sauce if you not like that  take the sauce to the table and people will serve how much they like. bon appetite .

Saturday, November 9, 2013

will be Ila quilt my grand kid

    I am start  a quilt this was my work today  my first block   and i love the colours  /   this the site I  found  this design many more on that .

Friday, November 1, 2013

                   HAPPY HALLOWEEN              , MY  LITTLE   WITCHES.  CUTIES

Ines design Mariana alcofurado. Beja PT